Keliee Wong
Senior Brand Director 資深總監級品牌大使
Keliee is your classic overachieving employee, who was always up for over-time, and eventually over-extended her health. Managing several fashion boutiques across Hong Kong meant she spent a lot of time looking after her boss’ stores, leaving her little time to look after herself. That’s why she says NU SKIN saved her twice – first the products returned her to health, then the business opportunity returned her to life. After understanding that NU SKIN’s business model rewards her hard work with the flexibility and quality of life she has always wanted, she built the business on a part-time basis for two years, then left her day job to fully focus on it.
A core member of Ablaze, Keliee is well-loved for her very particular set of skills to find… pretty much everything. From CBD cookies to branded umbrellas, she will find them for you, and she will discount them for you.
Keliee 是個肯為老闆賣命、超額完成的典型模範員工,完全不介意 OT,可是她終有一日捱病了。她在香港負責管理多間時裝店,花大部分時間幫老闆打理店鋪,令她沒有時間理會自己的健康。所以她一直都跟別人說 NU SKIN 曾救過她兩次命,第一次是健康產品救了她,第二次是 NU SKIN 的商機令她「起死回生」。她明白到 NU SKIN 的經營模式可以令她的付出及收穫成正比,彈性的工作時間令她尋回有質素的生活。經過兩年以兼職身份經營生意後,她決定放棄正職,全心投入 NU SKIN 的工作。
作為 Ablaze 的核心成員,Keliee 有一個人見人愛的專長, 當你拜託她找尋你想要的東西,她一定有方法幫到你。無論是 CBD 曲奇餅,還是訂製品牌雨傘,她會幫你找到之餘,更會幫你講價!