Ronald Lee
Presidential Director 寰宇領袖 · COE 1

Ronald often claims he was tricked into becoming a lawyer by legal dramas that gave the industry an inflated sense of glamour. If that’s the case, it wasn’t a bad joke, as he built a wildly successful career where he already made partner at a global law firm by the age of 32. Unfortunately, he didn’t get the last laugh, as it literally almost cost him his eyesight. Not to be blinded by his success as a lawyer, Ronald dedicated himself to the NU SKIN organisation that he had been building with his wife already. They hit COE 1 within four years, and Ronald decided to leave his law firm about 30 years earlier than mandatory retirement. Through Ablaze, he now wants to empower others to design their own lives too.

The other half of the Ablaze Twin Towers (see “Matthew Ng”), Ronald’s biggest passion apart from girls (meaning his wife and two daughters) is basketball.

Ronald 經常聲稱他成為律師的原因,歸咎於小時候看太多《壹號皇庭》之類的劇集,以為律師的生活多姿多彩,誰不知成為律師後才發現劇集與現實是兩回事。雖然「被騙了」,但 Ronald 在這行做得有聲有色,年僅 32 歲便成為一家國際律師行的合夥人。表面上很風光,但原來他因為拼命工作險些為事業而賠上視力!Ronald 決定以健康為重,將專注力放在與老婆早已一起合力打理的 NU SKIN 團隊。二人用了四年時間達到 COE 1,之後 Ronald 決定提早 30 年「退休」辭去律師行的工作。透過 Ablaze,他想啟發及推動其他人主導自己的人生。

Ronald 作為「Ablaze 雙子塔」其中一要員(另一要員詳見 Matthew Ng),除了熱愛靚女之外(當然是指兩位寶貝女與老婆),第二至愛就是打籃球。
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