Thecla Lau
Executive Brand Director 執行總監級品牌大使
Interior designer for luxury stores. Magazine contributor. Lecturer. Founder of a children’s fashion brand. Thecla was a “slash” before slashing was cool. Chances are you would have experienced something, read something, learnt something, or bought something by her. However, she feels the most impactful influence she has had on the lives of others has been through the NU SKIN platform. The more the landscape of traditional business and retail habits changed, the more she saw the potential of network marketing for herself and anyone else with an entrepreneurial bone. No longer slashing (as much), Thecla credits NU SKIN as her longest tenure, and she doesn’t see that changing.
Now that NU SKIN has afforded her more time, Thecla also serves in other ways. She regularly spends 2 hours each week on community service.
如果要 Thecla 在一張表格上填寫她的職業,可能幾頁紙都寫不完,因為 Thecla 周身刀兼且張張利!她是一位為名店室內設計師,亦是雜誌專欄作家,同時也是一名講師以及兒童時裝品牌創辦人。所以你在日常生活中,很大機會已接觸到出自 Thecla 手筆的東西。雖然有這麼多的渠道,但 Thecla 覺得自己最能夠以生命影響生命的方法,是透過 NU SKIN 這個平台。她認為傳統的營商環境及零售模式變化得越大,透過網絡營銷所帶來的潛力亦相對越大。Thecla 不再想於職業一欄填到手軟,如今打算專注在 NU SKIN 作長遠發展。
自從全心投入 NU SKIN 後,Thecla 亦多了工餘時間,她每星期都會用兩小時做義工回饋社會。