Thomas Ho
Presidential Director 寰宇領袖 · COE 1
Before fintech start-ups were even a thing, Thomas had founded and exited one by selling to a French listed company in 2001, and he continued to be a key figure at the company. Although some might think this would set him up for life, Thomas realised this was, unfortunately, not the case. In a cruel twist of fate (not unlike Steve Jobs’ ousting from Apple), Thomas lost his position at the company - in the same week he “celebrated” his 50th birthday. Luckily, he had begun building his organisation with NU SKIN a few years before this, and what was initially plan B suddenly became plan A. With two young children, two mortgages, two dogs, two cars (but just one wife), Thomas finally felt the importance of multiple, passive income streams. Through the Ablaze platform, he hopes to share this lesson with others in need.
“It’s not how you start nor how you end, it’s how you go around the bends,” says Thomas.
Thomas 是個懂得掌握先機的人,因為在金融科技(fintech)興起之前,他已經成立了一間 fintech 初創企業,更於 2001 年獲一間法國上市公司收購,然後繼續於公司擔當關鍵人物。好多人會以為 Thomas 自此可以不愁生活,可以做一世打工皇帝。怎知他的生命出現了戲劇性的變化,他在慶祝 50 歲生日的同一個星期竟發現被公司革職。( 劇情有點似喬布斯被蘋果踢出局 。)慶幸的是,他早在幾年前已經開始在 NU SKIN 建立自己的團隊,所以這「後備」事業就突然間變成「正印」。Thomas 的人生中習慣了「打孖上」(除老婆外),他有兩個小朋友、兩隻狗、兩層正在供的樓及兩架車,所以他明白到擁有被動收入的重要性。透過 Ablaze 平台,他希望可以與其他有需要的人分享個人經歷。
學 Thomas 話齋:「成功的人不是贏在起點,而是贏在轉折點。」